Molecule-Based Strong Isotropy for Topological Materials: Hidden Spin Frustration, Band-Filling Control, Flat Bands, and Chirality
Dienstag, 26.11.2024, 16.00 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Kunio Awaga
Nagoya Universität, Japan -
Abstract: Topological materials, which transcend conventional material classifications, hold promise for applications in spintronics and quantum computation. "Strongly isotropic lattices"—honeycomb (2D), diamond, and K4 (3D)—exhibit unique symmetries and band structures, potentially leading to topological properties. We have synthesized molecule-based honeycomb and K4 lattices using polyhedral π-conjugated molecules and MOFs, revealing novel features such as hidden spin frustration, flat bands, non-collinear antiferromagnetism, and enhanced circularly polarized light emission. This presentation will discuss these advances and their implications for topological materials.
Seminarraum 3-1, Geb. 30.23
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