Spin control and spin-photon interface for SnV centers in diamond

Color centers in diamond are a promising material platform for the development of quantum technologies due to the exceptional coherence of their optical transitions and spin states. In the group of Prof. Hunger, we are investigating tin vacancy (SnV) centers in diamond to realize long-lived optically addressable quantum memories [Karapatzakis et al., Phys Rev X 14, 031036 (2024)]. We incorporate color centers in optical microcavites to enhance light-matter interactions [Pallmann et al., Phys Rev X 14, 041055 (2024)].


In this project, we want to gain control over a few-qubit nuclear spin quantum register coupled to an SnV center to enable quantum error correction. Further, we aim to couple individual SnV centers to a microcavity to generate efficient spin-photon entanglement for quantum networks.

 Left: Schematic drawing of a SnV center in diamond in a microwave waveguide. Right: Schematic drawing of a fiber-based microcavity with incorporated diamond membrane containing SnV centers.

You will gain experience in conducting experiments in a well-equipped quantum optics lab, with a large range of aspects to explore, including microcavity fabrication and operation, narrow-band lasers, millikelvin cryogenics, electronics & microwave instrumentation, programming, data analysis, and modelling.


We’re looking for a creative and motivated PhD student for this project!


If you’d like to be a part of this project, send your application (or any questions), to Prof. David Hunger.
Applications should include your curriculum vitae and academic records.


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