Development of new fabrication methods and materials for superconducting quantum circuits

Superconducting quantum circuits are a promising candidate for a future quantum processor, albeit several technological challenges have still to be tackled. One key aspect are the materials used for the circuits and also how they are employed. Within the framework of the national GeQCOS project (1), we will develop alternative fabrication methods and study promising new materials, for instance by measurements on superconducting resonators and qubits. For an overview, see e.g. (2).

In this thesis, you will design and fabricate superconducting quantum circuits at the local cleanroom facilities and later analyse them in our low temperature cryostats. You will learn state-of-the art thin film nanofabrication technology and obtain measurement skills at cryogenic temperatures. 
We are happy to talk to you if you have interest in solid state physics, quantum information processing and nanotechnology, or, of course, any other related question.
